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Venerable Master Hua’s Talks on Dharma Volume Nine

化老和尚开示 Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



Achieving Universal Harmony through the Use of Propriety

First memorize it by heart, then deeply ponder it, and finally put it into practice.



"When the Great Way prevails, every person is a part of society, and society belongs to everyone. The virtuous and the able are chosen for public office. Trustworthiness and friendliness are valued by all. People not only love their own parents and children, but love the parents and children of others as well. The elderly live their last years in happiness; able-bodied adults are usefully employed; children are reared properly. Widowers, widows, orphans, the childless aged, the handicapped and the ailing are well cared for. All men share their social responsibilities, and all women have their respective roles. Natural resources and commodities are not wasted or appropriated for selfish ends. People want to contribute their strength and ability to the society for public good, not for private gain. Deception and cheating cannot occur in such a society. Robbery, larceny, rebellions, and other crimes all disappear. Gates and doors are not locked; no one even thinks of stealing. This is a world where harmony, equality, and justice prevail."

这《礼运大同篇》描述孔子的理想世界。能成就大同世界,天下就太平。没有战争,人人和睦相处,丰衣足食,安居乐业。这是孔子的政治政策,可惜行不通,因为人人皆自私自利的缘故。   This "Essay on the Achievement of Universal Harmony, Equality, and Justice through the Use of Propriety" describes the ideal society of Confucius. If this world of harmony, equality, and justice is realized, peace will prevail under Heaven. Wars will disappear, and everyone will be friendly toward each other. People will be well fed and clothed, live peacefully, and be content with their occupations. That was Confucius' political strategy. Unfor­tunately, it could not be carried out because people were all selfish and concerned with personal gain.




Through the Use of Propriety: Everyone walks on the path of propriety, and the uses of propriety never cease. People understand propriety. They are brought to this understand­ing by observing the functioning of propriety.


Universal Harmony, Equality, and Justice: The whole world becomes one family. People love each other just as they love themselves. Cheating does not happen. People treat each other with sincerity and aid each other in times of need. Such universal harmony, equality, and justice is the blueprint for world peace. That was why Dr. Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) took this passage from the Book of Rites and advocated its ideal that "every person is a part of society, and society belongs to everyone." In short, universal harmony, equality, and justice means that you and I are the same; there is no distinction of you and me, me and others, right and wrong. Everyone is free, and everyone is equal. This is the world of ultimate bliss.


When the Great Way prevails: The Great Way is the law that everyone upholds and abides by. This great, bright way is not a private path; you can walk on it and so can I. You cultivate your own great, bright way, and I cultivate my own. This broad, bright, and smooth path leads straight to the world of universal harmony, equality, and justice.


Every person is a part of society, and society belongs to everyone: If people don't fight, seek, pursue personal advantage, or lie, and aren't selfish or greedy, then naturally they will become just and impartial. In that case, every person will be a part of the society which belongs to everyone. That was the kind of democracy advocated by Confucius. He wanted to restore the policy of giving the throne to the able, which had been practiced by Emperors Yao and Shun.



The virtuous and the able are chosen for public office: When we choose the leaders for our country, we must choose people with virtue, ability, wisdom, and caliber. That kind of people will seek happiness for living beings and work to make the country affluent and strong.                


Trustworthiness and friendliness are valued by all: This means dealing with neighboring countries in a trustworthy manner, getting along in a friendly way, and not cheating each other. Our conduct is consistent with our words. There is no trickery. There is harmony among people, among families, and among countries. Everyone is concerned with justice, not with advantages and disadvantages. At that point there naturally won't be any wars.


People not only love their own parents and children but love parents and children of others as well: Because there is no partiality, people can all treat one another with care and affection. Be filial not only to your own parents, but to the parents of others as well. It is said, "Care for your own elders and extend the same care to the elders of others." Take the same heart that you have when serving your own parents to serve the parents of others, and make them happy as well.

“不独子其子”:不单独慈爱自己的子女,也要慈爱他人的子女,所谓“幼吾幼,以及人之幼。”以教育自己子女的心,照样去教育他人的子女,令他人的子女也得到学识。   Love not only your own children, but the children of others as well. It is said, "Look after your own children and extend the same concern to the children of others." Take the heart that you have when educating your own youngsters to educate the youth of others, and cause them to acquire knowledge as well.
“使老有所终”设备完善的安老院,好好照顾老年人,令他们快乐,享受天年。无挂无碍,无烦无恼,无疾而终,往生西方极乐世界。   The elderly live their last years in happiness: There are nursing homes with good facilities to take care of the elderly and make them happy. That way the old people will be able to enjoy their last years without impediments, worries, or afflictions. As a result, they will die a natural death and get reborn in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss.
“壮有所用”:年轻力壮的人,一定要在社会服务,尽其所能,贡献于国家。不可领失业救济金,或福利金,否则成为国家的大包袱。应该努力工作,维持社会的秩序,不可游手好闲,殃及国家。   Able-bodied adults are usefully employed: Young people with strong bodies must work and serve the society, and do their best to contribute to their country. They should not live on social welfare or unemployment benefits, because those cause them to become a great burden to society. People should work hard and maintain order in society, and not idly hang around causing trouble within the country.
“幼有所长”:年幼的儿童,必须好好教育他们,如何孝顺父母,如何忠于国家,如何忠于职守。在这种教育长大,将来一定是优良的公民。   Children are reared properly: Young children should be taught how to be filial to their parents, how to be loyal to their country, and how to fulfill their duties faithfully. Children growing up with that kind of education will surely be fine citizens in the future.
“矜寡孤独废疾者”:“矜”,是怜愍、爱护、同情的意思。老而无妻为“鳏”,老而无夫为“寡”,幼年丧父母为“孤”,老年丧子女为“独”,有残废的人为“废”,有疾病的人为“疾”,这六种情形是世上最痛苦的人。   Widowers, widows, orphans, the childless aged, the handicapped and the ailing are well cared for: Be kind and compassionate toward, love and protect, and sympathize with widowers, old people who have no wives; widows, old people who have no husbands; orphans; childless seniors; the handicapped; and the ailing, people with sickness. Those six kinds of people are the most unfortunate ones in the world.
“皆有所养”:令这些不幸的人,生活得到安定,精神没有威胁,生命有保障,国家设立种种机构,收养他们,治疗他们。   They should live a secure and peaceful life that is free of any threats to their psychological wellbeing. Their lives should be protected. The government should set up various institutions to take them in and provide them with proper care.
“男有分”:男人有男人的本分、地位、责任,为国为家,要尽应尽的义务。不可好吃懒做,成为不良份子。   All men share their social responsibilities: Men have their duties, positions, and responsibilities. They should fulfill their obligations to their families and their country. They cannot be lazy or become deadbeats.
“女有归”:妇女有所归宿。相夫教子,作个贤妻良母,这就是女人的责任。各人安居于己之岗位,不错位、不滥权,不可男女互相争权,男主外,女主内。各有所主,各有所守。   All women have their respective roles: All women have families. They should assist their husbands, teach their children, and be able wives and good mothers. Those are the duties of women. Everyone is content with his or her position and role, and doesn't try to change it or abuse his or her rights. Men are in charge of external affairs and women of domestic affairs. Men and women shouldn't fight with each other for their rights. They should each have their respective responsibilities and rights.
中国主张男女有别,为避嫌疑,男女不交谈,所谓“瓜田不纳履,李下不正冠。”为维持礼教,男女保持距离,所谓“叔嫂不授受,长幼不并肩。”   The Chinese prefer men and women be separated. In order to avoid suspicion, men and women do not chat with each other. It is said, "Never bend down and put on your shoes in the middle of a melon patch; never get up and touch your hat while standing underneath a plum tree." In order to maintain propriety, men and women should keep some distance between each other. It is said, "A brother and a sister-in-law do not give things to or receive things from each other; adults and children do not walk side by side."
“货恶其弃于地也”:“货”指一切粮食和一切物资,“恶”是不愿意的意思,“弃”是糟蹋、浪费、损失的意思。不可以将粮食糟蹋,不可以将物资浪费。好像现在粮食过剩的国家,不可以抛到大海中,不可用火焚掉,那是暴殄天物,将来必受报应。   Natural resources and commodities are not wasted: Natural resources and commodities refer to all kinds of food and commodities. We should not squander food or waste commodities. Countries with a surplus of agricultural produce should not dump the excess in the ocean or burn it up. That would be wasting natural resources, and it would surely bring on a retribution in the future.
“不必藏于己”:有物资要互相交换,不必藏私,认为奇货可居,以待善价。更不可操纵把持,应该以货易货,公平交易,这个国家没有,那个国家有,可以交换。利己利人,何乐而不为!如果不肯这样做,那就是“货弃于地藏于己”的行为。   Or appropriated for selfish ends: Commodities should be circulated, not hidden for selfish ends, hoarded for higher prices, or monopolized. There should be fair trading of commodities. One country should exchange its surplus goods with other countries to get the things it lacks. That is benefiting both self and others. Isn't that  a positive thing to do? If we refuse to trade, it is the same as wasting goods or appropriating them for selfish ends.
  People want to contribute their strength and ability to the society for public good: The knowledge and skills we have learned are not for our own use. Instead, they should be used to serve the people of the world. That is called "learning in order to put to good use."
“不必为己”:不为己谋。无论何事,不为自己打算,而为众生着想。要有“舍己为人”的精神,这是做人起码的道理。   Not for private gain: Never scheme for yourself. No matter what, you should make plans not just for yourself, but for all living beings. We must have this spirit of devoting ourselves to others; that is a basic principle of being a person.
“是故”:因为这种种的缘故,所以大家坦白率直,在世界上没有的勾心斗角的思想,没有明争暗夺的行为。   Because of the reasons given above, people are frank with each other and do not scheme or fight against each other either openly or covertly.
“谋闭而不兴”:谋是计谋,关是关闭。计谋没有了,把争夺欺骗的门关上了,不会有“挂羊头卖狗肉”的手段骗钱,这种不正当的行为,也不会兴起了。   Deception and cheating cannot occur in such a society: There is no more deception. The door of fighting and cheating is closed. Dishonest tactics to cheat people of their money are not used. Such improper conduct no longer prevails.
“盗窃乱贼而不作”:明抢为“盗”,暗偷为“窃”,“乱贼”是造反的人。因为不公平,你有他没有,才发生盗窃事件。如果人人生活安定,丰衣足食,盗窃自然消失。人民皆因饥荒而搞革命,弄得民不聊生,十室九空,流离失所,苦不堪言,所谓“胜者王侯,败者贼”,也就是乱贼。如果人人有工作,人人有饭吃,乱贼自然消灭。   Robbery, larceny, rebellion, and other crimes all disappear: To take something by force is robbery; to steal it covertly is larceny; uprising against the government is rebellion. When there is unfairness, such as one person having things another one doesn't have, robbery and larceny will occur. If everyone lives a secure and peaceful life with adequate food and clothing, robbery and larceny will naturally disappear. People revolt when there are famines and they don't have enough to eat. When it is impossible to make a living, nine out of ten houses are deserted, their occupants becoming homeless wanderers. Such misery is unspeak­able. It is said, "The winner becomes the king, and the losers become bandits," or rebels. If everyone is employed and well fed, rebels will naturally disappear.
“故外户而不闭”:到了这种境界,没有内忧,没有外患,人人奉公守法。那时,路不拾遗,夜不闭户,风调雨顺,国泰民安。   Gates and doors are not locked: In this state of affairs, there are no internal troubles and no external calamities. Everyone abides by the law. At that time no one will take things found in the street that other people have lost. Since no one even thinks of stealing, doors and gates are not locked at night. The weather becomes temperate and the whole country becomes safe and peaceful.
“是谓大同”:这就是大同世界。人人不自私、不自利。人人公平,人人和乐,天下太平。   This is a world where harmony, equality, and justice prevail. No one is selfish or pursues personal advantage. Everyone is honest, just, happy, and friendly, and so the world is peaceful.
(编按:此篇乃万佛圣城各阶层学校的必修课。无论育良小学、培德中学、法界佛教大学的学生,首先要背熟,深而思之,笃而行之,此为本会办义务教育,重整道德扭转颓风,正化民心的基础,来成就将来的大同世界。)   Editor's note: This essay of the Book of Rites is required course material in all the schools at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. All students of Instilling Goodness Elementary School, Developing Virtue Secondary School, and Dharma Realm Buddhist University must first memorize it, then deeply ponder it, and finally put it into practice. This is the basis upon which Dharma Realm Buddhist Association establishes its free education, reformation of social morals, reversal of the decadent trends of society, and rectifying of people's minds, in order to achieve a world of harmony, equality, and justice in the future.]
一九八三年九月二十八日   A talk given on September 28, 1983

法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
