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Venerable Master Hua’s Talks on Dharma Volume Nine

化老和尚开示 Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



Money Can Kill You

Accumulating wealth can be lethal.



Young friends! Don't focus your thoughts on getting a promotion, making money, winning fame in the world, or becoming a world celebrity. Instead, think about how to work for the welfare of human beings, how to benefit humanity. We want to promote world peace and help living beings be happy. We don't want to fight for fame and benefit, or plot against each other. If you get what you want by hook or by crook, you are creating offenses.



Accumulating wealth can be lethal. Recently in Los Angeles, a man was killed. This man was very rich, but he was not careful in his conduct. He was killed due to a conflict over money. Since he was rich, he committed a lot of offenses when he was alive, and that is why he came to such an end. Although he had property worth millions, he couldn't take a penny with him when he died. Think about it: Is there any meaning in such an existence?

所以在世界上要作有智慧的人,不要作愚痴的人。有智慧的人,对于事理分析清清楚楚,对于善恶辨别明明白白,绝对不做颠倒事。愚痴的人,终日求名、求利、求地位、求权势,看不破,放不下,见利忘义,尽做些亏心的生意,醉生梦死, 糊涂一辈子我们在这世界上要帮助困苦的人,伸出援手,拯救他们于水深火热,所谓“为善最乐”,这是助人为快乐之本。


We want to be wise people, not fools. A wise person understands principles, distinguishes clearly between good and evil, and never does deluded things. A fool spends his days chasing after fame and gain, social status, and power. He fails to see their true nature and relinquish his pursuit. He forgets about justice when he sees a chance to benefit himself. He often does things that go against his conscience, and is muddled-as if drunk or dreaming-all his life. We ought to help these pathetic people. We should give them a hand and save them from the deep waters and scorching fires. It is said, "Doing good  is the greatest joy in life." Helping others brings happiness.

一九八三年九月二十二日   A talk given on September 22, 1983

法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
